My music buying philosophy
Compared to most people on the web, I have far from a huge number of CDs. Perhaps more notable, I have CDs from a relatively few number of bands. I think this is due in large part to the fact that I'm a cheap person, and rarely spend money. (Blame my parents!) It doesn't help that many of the CDs I'd like cost $25 to import. Most of the time, I'll only buy a CD after I've heard the complete album several times, and I'll have to like most of it, not just part of it. But then once I start liking a band, I'll buy nearly every CD from that band. And, I still actively listen to nearly every CD I have. Rarely do I get a dud that just sits in the rack. Recently, I have been getting a little looser and expanding my tastes some more, which is good I guess.
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